What. A. Ride.

Last summer we contemplated selling off our beautiful “house on a hill with wraparound porch” in Grainger County to secure more land. The truth of the matter is we simply outgrew our scenic spot the very first season we began raising and harvesting longhorns for grass-fed beef. We spent the better part of 7 years leasing land and buying our supplement animals to “meat” demand, which took us by surprise and we were simply ill-prepared from the start. It was a difficult decision, since my mother left me the house when she passed in December 2020. In the end, we realized we ought to capitalize on the seller’s market and go from there. We engaged our other farm friends (to whom we are indebted eternally!) to help us manage the displacement of ranch supplies, home supplies, livestock and more. Within 60 days we had a contract on the house and just shy of 3 months from our list date, we closed and moooved out of Washburn.

The original goal from there was to sit on the proceeds until the market stabilized. However, within a few days after we signed the contract on the house, we found this spot in Hancock County, just 20 miles east of where we were in Washburn. It had everything we aspired to have with fresh mountain springs, spring-fed pond, pastures, sloping hillsides, timber, and of course scenic views. It had been a homestead years gone by, and it has incredible promise. It is literally a fresh slate, starting over from the ground up with experience, renewed passion and no mortgage. No septic, power or water lines either, but we’re adaptable and set the course to make an offer. In a seller’s market, we made out with a buyer’s price and have finally moooved in.

Our simple lifestyle choices include RV living, re-purposing and preserving the original homestead buildings (most of which were likely built in the 30’s & 40’s) and upcycling shipping containers to serve as our storage and common living areas. We are installing fencing, gates and corrals to contain the cattle as they come home. The long range plans include adding smaller livestock to be harvested for proteins and firewood/sawmill for producing wood products from our 50+ acres of mature timber and piping our natural springs to service the ranch and visitors. The possibilities are endless!

We are 100% consumer-supported; we do not take subsidy money from any local, state or federal agencies. We are accountable to God, then you, the consumer. We believe in full transparency, as it is the reflection of our responsibility to be good stewards of our blessings. Our mission has never changed; offering you a lean, clean, naturally produced beef product. We hope you enjoy being part of our whole story, because YOU are why we do what we do and we cannot do what we do without you! Stay tuned and we look forward to “meating” you soon! ~Allen & Kimberly


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Enjoy stock up savings on ground beef, while in stock!