Is is me or was March the longest, coldest, hottest, wettest, driest, most ridiculous month so far this year? I feel like we had a whole year of seasons in 31 days!

Naturally, the weather has delayed our massive project schedule. This month we are coaxing folks to volunteer by offering Work for Beef days at the Ranch. April 16 & 23 (today too, if you read this in time!) join us in your dirty work clothes to help us with a variety of projects, predominantly fencing. All we ask is you bring your empty water containers to fill with our fresh mountain spring water and dress to be outside! We “pay” with beef packages, just a token of our thanks for your time and investment in our Ranch.

We are excited about all the new green and colorful flora blooming on-site! With 90 acres, the woods, streams, pastures and hollers are all coming to life at various stages. Our property is mostly north-facing, which is a complete opposite from our place in Washburn. We are anxious to see how the cattle change the landscape and upcycle the grounds here. You are the reason we do what we do, which is why you are invited to participate and enjoy the fruits of the labors too.

We’re expecting more calves to hit the ground over the next several weeks too. Baby calves are such fun, free entertainment! We surely hope to “meat” you soon and thank you for your continued support of our Ranch. Be blessed! Allen & Kimberly


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Enjoy stock up savings on ground beef, while in stock!